SecureNinja’s Expert Team Training program provides an effective solution that develops, builds and maintains an expert team of practical, real world skilled information security experts within your organization. Ensure you can meet today’s cybersecurity challenges by empowering your personnel to protect against the latest in cybersecurity threats.
SecureNinja’s Expert Team Training requires a strong commitment from your organization to make sure the results are achieved effectively.
Basic Tenets of SecureNinja's Expert Team Training
Strategy Development
Your organizations training needs can be boiled down to who needs what and when. SecureNinja will develop a training strategy that will provide a framework within which the organization can identify staff training needs in relation to their role including:
- Ensure identified personnel have the knowledge, skills and commitment to meet the requirements of maintaining an elite force of cybersecurity professionals
- Provide a framework for cybersecurity training within each team. The focus is for all team members to develop specific skills needed to perform their role at the highest level
- Clarify the need for individual levels of cybersecurity training
- Providing a strategic basis for training across the organization including a delivery plan and methodology
- Detail how the cybersecurity training strategy will be evaluated
The training strategy will therefore have a key role in implementation of the Cybersecurity training plan for your personnel
Strategic Model
This strategic model draws attention to three different levels at which the strategy needs to work:
Core Cybersecurity Skills – Fundamental facts, knowledge and information about procedures and processes is critical to continuous growth and learning. Your Cyber Warriors will have mastered this core set of training.
Process Centric Training - To implement the process and methodology, individuals will understand how to follow a systematic method that emulates the threat mind set. It includes technical and tactical skills to identify vectors of attacks and the ability to secure against those threats regardless of the technology used. Once your personnel are trained on the above, they will receive specialty training to allow them to perform the requirements of their job function.
Commitment To Continuous Learning and Growth – To develop long-term skills at an advanced level, the Cyber Warrior must maintain their elite skillset. This will require they maintain currency on the latest topics and more importantly, be engaged in the latest threat discussions.
Training Methods
The following different type of training methods will be used:
- In-house Training
- OJT (On the job) Training
- Core Security Training
- Advanced Security Training
- Research Training
- Recurring Training via Scorm compliant portal
Access resources
- Budget Core Security Skills Training
- Advanced Specialized Training
- Conferences
- Certifications/Qualification
- Research Opportunity
- Test Environment
Training Evaluation
Train the Trainer
At the completion of the last phases of the course development and after SecureNinja provides the initial trainings; if so desired, there will be sessions conducted to train your in-house instructors to deliver your custom courses.