Cyber-attacks are rapidly changing and evolving to become more dangerous than ever before. As more people than ever before are now becoming connected through technology, the chance of a cyber attack grows as well. The average cost of a cyber attack is now $1.7 million dollars against organizations and a successful cyber attack is conducted every 39 seconds! In this post, I will go over three easy ways you can protect yourself or an organization from a cyber attack.
1. Automatic Updates
Having automatic updates is essential in preventing against cyber-attacks. New updates usually come after a bug or vulnerability is found in the software. After updating the device not only are you on the latest software with fewer bugs and glitches but also the security is increased. Automatic updates are an easy way to make sure everything keeps updated without having to update devices manually. New updates also come with new features as well so it’s a good practice to stay updated.
2. Password Resets
Always make sure that you use a strong complex password that can not be easily guessed. A good practice is to use a password manager and create very long and complex passwords that contain special characters, numbers, and make it case sensitive. Never use the same password across the internet, because this allows hackers access to everything if one account were to be compromised. Schedule password resets at least once a month to keep any hacker away from your accounts.
3. Secure your Network
Be sure to password protect your home WIFI with a strong complex password and use WPA2 encryption to ensure that your network is protected. This is important because attackers can use different methods to tap into your WIFI network especially if it isn’t password protected. It is also a good practice to never use a public WIFI network whenever you are processing a transaction. Public WIFI networks are often the most vulnerable so always avoid conducting financial or corporate transactions on these networks.
As technology continues to grow so does cybercrime and the threat of a cyber-attack. Cyber attacks are becoming more common than ever before, but the best way to protect yourself is to be educated. If you follow these three easy steps you will not only protect your home network but also make it harder for any hacker trying to conduct a cyber-attack. Securing your home network should be a top priority for everyone because it keeps private data safe and secure.
SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization visit