The Cybersecurity landscape is evolving at a pace that no one has ever seen before. Cybersecurity is becoming a more pressing topic just because technology is growing and becoming more sophisticated than ever before. With the uprise in smart connected devices also comes the incline in cybercrime and other hacking methods. The overall fact is that consumers and businesses need to be more aware of cybersecurity and how it can affect them.
Are You Secure?
In 2018 attacks such as “ransomware” came to light where an attacker can hack into a device browse files, data, and proceed to hold data for ransom and charge the consumer money to regain access. These attacks were mainly against large corporations or anyone who is a highly profitable victim, and these attacks were becoming so common that it was estimated that ransomware hackers were generating $330,000 a month in revenue. Most of these ransomware attacks targeted crypto miners or coin miners because of the large amounts of untraceable cryptocurrencies that these miners would have stored in their hard drives. In 2019 ransomware is expected to become even bigger and start to target more people than ever before.
How Dangerous is Machine Learning?
Majority of malware attacks are implemented as simply as possible because hackers know that old methods work; however, with the growth of new technologies and antimalware software is forcing criminals to think outside of the box. This made criminals go to the next level and use complex systems such as machine learning and AI to conduct automated searches to find vulnerable machines or online accounts across the internet. This will allow hackers to be able to more cost efficient in their attacks and be better for social engineering attacks.
How Popular are These Cyber Attacks?
Cyber attacks in 2018 occurred every 39 seconds. That is an insane increase of over 300% from 2017 and that trend is likely to increase in 2019. Cyber attacks such as phishing are geared towards small businesses and organizations and plant malware and viruses inside computers. These attacks occur so frequently because they are easy to implement and easy to fall victim to. One way to protect yourself from a phishing attack is to be very cautious of mysterious links that may appear in your inbox.
What Can We Do?
The cybersecurity industry is in desperate need of workers and is willing to pay for them. The average salary of a cybersecurity professional is three times the national average and that number is also suspected to rise in 2019. Right now, our cybersecurity professionals are working overtime to protect consumers from cyber attacks by creating systems such as firewalls, a VPN, and spam filters so that these criminals can’t access information. Cybersecurity will continue to be a pressing topic in 2019 and requires our full attention so that consumers and organizations can retain privacy and work without interruptions.
SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization visit