EC-Council just announced that two of their popular courses were just approved and added to the DoD 8570/8140 directive. These courses are excellent because they teach candidates a multitude of skills and tricks needed to work in the cybersecurity industry. The CHFI certification is being recognized as a baseline certification for Cybersecurity Service Provider Infrastructure Support (CSSP-IS), and the CCISO is now recognized as a baseline certification option for Information Assurance Managers levels 2 and 3 and Cybersecurity Service Provider Managers. These courses are valuable additions to the DoD 8570/8140 directives and they provide essential information on topics such as risk management, governance, project management, core competencies, and strategic management.
The CHFI (Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator) is an amazing certification to have and can qualify candidates with amazing job opportunities, and help candidates grasp a better understanding of key technologies such as cloud computing, mobile computing, and the complex IOT. Many different organizations are actively looking for employees with this certification because it proves that candidates can successfully track down and mitigate vulnerabilities within an organization and understand the strict data handling procedures that are required to prevent data breaches. The CHFI course is an amazing certification to obtain and provides some amazing benefits, and the easiest way to obtain this certification is through a 5-day boot camp with SecureNinja. For more information on how the boot camp can help you or your organization, visit secureninja.com/contact or give us a call at 703-535-8600.
The CCISO (Certified Chief Information Security Officer) is the first program of its kind that is dedicated to top-level security executives. This course focuses on the application of information security principles from the perspective of a manager or executive. This program also does not focus on technical info; however, the courses primary focus is towards making decisions from the perspective of a CISO. The CCISO course is an amazing course for anyone who is looking to move up in the cybersecurity industry and this program was developed by CISOs. For more information on the CCISO course and to see if you qualify for some amazing promotions, visit secureninja.com/contact or give us a call at 703-535-8600.
SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization fill out the form to the right of this post or visit secureninja.com/contact.