It is clearly evident that there is a massive talent gap within the cybersecurity industry, and it is estimated that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021. The cybersecurity industry is filled with tons of potential for everyone. Diversity has also been a pressing issue in the cybersecurity industry as women and minorities make up less than 20% of the total workforce. Opening up the opportunities that the cybersecurity industry currently has to those who are less fortunate will help close this cybersecurity gap, and it will allow others with different backgrounds, educations, and skills to help solve some of the problems we are currently facing with cybersecurity.
Start Training Sooner
Training programs should target younger audiences to create a foundational understanding and demonstration of how important cybersecurity is at a young age. Starting at the K-12 education levels will allow diversity in the workforce to follow as well, and with this initiative, more people will enter the workforce as well as create a newfound sense of diversity. Training programs should not be the only ones who are trying to engage younger audiences, and even if large organizations/corporations could host annual assemblies in schools would greatly spike interest.
Creating diversity within the cybersecurity industry will not only help close the massive talent gap, and it will bring newfound insight and knowledge to the cybersecurity industry. Diversity in the cybersecurity industry will create a better-equipped workforce who is ready to accept all walks of life and allow new ideas from a range of perspectives. Early exposure to cybersecurity as well as open arms to women and minorities will create a better workforce and initiate an overall better workforce.
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SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school and has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization fill out the form to the right of this post or visit secureninja.com/contact.