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You're Invited to SecureNinja’s webinar on Security Analytics Skills: Listening In On Today’s Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
Please join us from 11:00 AM EST - 12:00 PM EST on Thursday, May 26,2022
As we welcome Dr James Stanger, Chief Technology Evangelist at CompTIA, where he will discuss:
Practical “blue team” security analytics skills that CIOs and CISOs are looking for today. James will discuss how security analysts look for attacks and the “noise” generated by hackers and pen testers, and then recommend security solutions. In his presentation, James will profile the Security Onion Linux operating system, and how it helps security analysts and threat hunters identify attacks and provide useful, visualized information. If you attended Dr. Stanger’s previous SecureNinja presentation on pen testing, this session takes a look at those attacks from a security analyst’s perspective.
In this presentation, you will learn more about:
- The security analyst and threat hunter job roles
- What DDoS and buffer overflow attacks look like from the analyst’s perspective
- How security analysts help fine-tune existing security controls, add new ones, and improve the security maturity of an organization
In addition to this immersive information, we also have some incredible giveaways for you!
- Each Attendee will receive 1 CPE to apply to recertification
- Each attendee will receive 30% off their next CompTIA Training through SecureNinja
- Each attendee will be entered into a raffle and 2 attendees can win a CompTIA exam voucher of their choice
About the Speaker
James Stanger, PhD has consulted with corporations, governments and learning institutions worldwide about IT security, open source, and network administration for over 20 years. Organizations include the British Army, Northrop Grumman, IBM, Oracle, General Dynamics, West Point (U.S. Army), NTT Japan, Symantec, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), the US State Department, New Horizons, Dell, the United Arab Emirates Cultural Division, the Open University (UK), the US Navy, Mesei University and SoftBank.
He is a respected authority in security, networking, and open source. His area of expertise include security analytics, penetration testing, Linux and open source, network administration and monitoring, blockchain, and end point host support. He has provided consulting concerning the business of risk management, as well as network architecting. He has also created education programs and curricula worldwide. He has published dozens of articles, books, and blogs. His books have been translated into over a dozen languages.
Currently, James is Chief Technology Evangelist at CompTIA, where he works with IT professionals, hiring managers and executives worldwide to identify critical skills, and help build CompTIA’s education programs. He lives and plays in the Puget Sound area of Washington State.