CCISO or Certified Chief Information Security Officer is a very advanced level certification that is offered by EC Council, and the CCISO certification is ideal for anyone who wants to be a leader in the cybersecurity industry. EC Council gathered a group of high-level information security executives and worked with them together in creating the content and outline of the CCISO exam. This certification is the first of a kind and does not focus solely on technical knowledge but on the application of information security management principles from an executive management point of view.
1. Know the Exam
While preparing for the CCISO exam it is important to understand how this exam will be worded and what kind of thinking approach is required to successfully pass the exam. The questions on the exam will require extensive thought and evaluation; however, the full duration of the exam is only 2 and a half hours, so be sure to use your time wisely. The exam is conducted and will test the candidate’s knowledge in three different aspects. EC Council refers to the different aspects as learning levels which consist of knowledge of facts, application of different security concepts, and the ability to analyze different situations and use problem-solving skills to find solutions. The exam consists of 150 questions and is graded using a “cut score” which can range from 60% - 85%.
2. Study the Domains
The CCISO exam covers five different domains.
- Governance and Risk Management
- Information Security Controls, Compliance, and Audit Management
- Security Program Management & Operations
- Information Security Core Competencies
- Strategic Planning, Finance, Procurement, and Vendor Management
4. Conduct Self Assessments Regularly
While studying it is very important to track your progress and to outline which domains you are confident in and which domains you need to work on. While conducting self-assessments try to mimic the actual exam experience as much as possible and be sure to time yourself so you understand how to properly pace through the exam. The CCISO exam is not very technical and will require candidates to react to certain scenarios that they may encounter while working as a CISO.
4. How Can I Become a CCISO?
In order to qualify for the CCISO exam and receive the certification, you must have 5 years of working experience in at least 3 of the 5 CCISO domains. The work experience can overlap domains as well, and for more information on how to apply, visit EC Councils' official website. If you do not meet the CCISO requirements you can take the EISM EC Council Information Security Manager exam. Once you have earned the EISM certification you can then reapply for the CCISO exam when you fully meet the experience requirements.
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