The CCSP or Certified Cloud Security Professional is an advanced cloud security certification that is offered by ISC (2). The CCSP is ideal for IT and information security leaders responsible for applying best practices to cloud security architecture, design, operations, and service orchestration. Currently, the average salary of a CCSP holder ranges from $90,000 - $113,726 annually. In this post, we will outline several tips and tricks that will help candidates earn the CCSP certification.
1. Know the Exam
While preparing for the CCSP exam it is important to analyze the exam and the domains to have a better understanding of the exam and how to prepare for it. The current CCSP exam is performance-based and can only be delivered at any Pearson professional testing center. The full duration of the exam is 4 hours and consists of 125 multiple-choice questions. Remember, the exam was designed to take the average candidate to spend 4 hours to complete the full exam so use as much time as needed. The passing score for the exam is 700 out of 1000. The exam will cover several cloud-related topics such as cloud computing concepts, identification of different trusted cloud services, and cloud architecture references.
2. Study the Domains
The CCSP exam covers six different domains and each domain is weighted differently. The six domains are as followed:
- Domain 1: Architectural Concepts & Design Requirements 19%
- Domain 2: Cloud Data Security 20%
- Domain 3: Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security 19%
- Domain 4: Cloud Application Security 15%
- Domain 5: Operations 15%
- Domain 6: Legal and Compliance 12%
A good tip for studying and preparing for CCSP is to self-assess and find which domains you are strong and weak in. Some of the domains may have overlapping topics that will speed up the studying process, and the heaviest domains are the first three so naturally, you should spend more time preparing for questions regarding those domains.
3. Take a CCSP Practice Exam
The Internet offers endless study materials and practice questions for CCSP, and ISC(2) offers a free 50 questions via their online portal. Using the right resources is a big part of passing the CCSP exam so be sure to use only updated and verified materials. CCSP is a very advanced level course that is designed for cloud engineers and security practitioners and will not be easy; however, if you study accordingly, use verified resources, and attend a quick training boot camp – you can easily earn the CCSP certification.
4. How Can I Become Certified?
In order to officially become CCSP certified, you must meet the requirements set by ISC(2).
- Pass the CCSP Exam with a score of 750 or higher.
- Agree to ISC(2) Code of Ethics.
- Meet the minimum experience requirement.
To qualify for the CCSP, you must pass the exam and have at least five years of cumulative, paid work experience in information technology. Three of the five years must be in information security, and one year must relate to one of the six domains. Different certifications and degrees that you have earned may also qualify for experience and more information on the experience requirements can be found on the official CCSP website. If you currently do not have 5 years of work experience you can still earn the CCSP certification, but you will have to become an associate of ISC(2) and after you earn the required experience, you will receive the official CCSP certification.
Ready to get started? Enroll in our CCSP 5-day training Bootcamp today and receive $400 off or a $400 Amazon gift card! Call 703-535-8600 today to qualify for this special promotion and get enrolled in less than 5 minutes!
SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization fill out the form to the right of this post or visit secureninja.com/contact.
More Information on the needed Work Experience - https://www.isc2.org/Certifications/CCSP/experience-requirements
Practice CCSP Questions - https://www.isc2.org/Certifications/CCSP/Practice-Tests-Mini-eBook/