CompTIA’s Security + certification is a key certification for anyone who works in the cybersecurity field, and this certification is also the perfect starting place for anyone who wants to start in the amazing cybersecurity industry. This certification not only teaches candidates the basic IT security skills needed, but it also teaches candidates baseline security knowledge that is needed for jobs such as systems administrators, network engineers, and cybersecurity analysts all require this certification. The reason why these jobs require this certification is that it shows employers that candidates know about key cybersecurity concepts. This certification is an amazing certification to have because it allows candidates to easily pursue further certifications such as CompTIA’s CASP course, Project +, and Cloud +. The average salary of someone who holds a Security + certification is $75,000, and the Security + is an amazing certification that allows younger people get employed into an organization because it teaches key fundamental aspects on networking and different security methods.
What Makes Security + Different?
The Security + certification is the perfect certification for someone to start their career in the vast cybersecurity industry. This certification paves the way for younger candidates who are interested in learning how different networks operate and different encryption and decryption methods. This certification provides all the necessary knowledge for anyone who is interested in joining the cybersecurity industry, and this certification also teaches candidates how the cybersecurity industry works and the different job roles within the industry. Since the Security + certification was founded in 2002 over a quarter million professionals have achieved the Security + certification, and many of these professionals use this certification as a springboard to jump to other prestigious certifications such as CASP, CISSP, and CISA.
What are The Salary Expectations After Obtaining Security +?
In 2018 the average salary of cybersecurity or IT expert with a Security + certification was $75,000 and that number is projected to go even higher in 2019. The top employers for the Security + certification are the U.S Air Force, U.S Army, General Dynamics, and Amazon. The Security + certification provides organizations with employees who are proficient in essential networking skills that can greatly benefit any organization. Jobs such as a security analyst, network engineers, and IT managers are required to have a Security + certification because it shows employers that you are capable of working in a technical environment and can perform well while working with others.
How Can I Obtain this certification?
The fastest way to obtain this certification is by training and taking the exam; however, there are several other study methods you could partake in to successfully certify. SecureNinja offers a Security + 5-day training boot camp that prepares candidates to take the Security + exam on the fifth day. This boot camp goes over all the concepts that will be covered in the exam and highlights key networking aspects that are required to be able to secure and defend networks. This boot camp is perfect for anyone who is looking to start their career in the cybersecurity industry, or for anyone who is looking to refine their networking skills. All our courses at SecureNinja are taught by our amazing Ninja Instructors and we have a 97% pass rate on all our courses. For more information on this course and to see if you qualify for special deals and promotions visit secureninja.com/contact or give us a call at 703-535-8600.
SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization fill out the form to the right of this post, or visit secureninja.com/contact.