Over 70% of cyber attacks that occurred in 2018 were dedicated to attacking small businesses. A cyber attack on a small business can be detrimental and could even cause bankruptcy. The average cost of a cyber attack in 2018 was $1.7 million dollars, and cyber attacks can result in multiple days of being out of business resulting in fewer sales and profits. Cybersecurity is not brought up as nearly often as it should be and this is because many small business owners do not realize the threat of a cyber attack and what it can do to an organization. Small business such as storefronts can be hit just as hard as e-commerce business because a cyber attack can knock systems online making it impossible to conduct any transactions or keep a record of sales.
The Importance of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity can save organizations millions of dollars and give organizations the assurance of being protected from cyber attacks. Cybersecurity can be handled by a third party organization, or by training their IT department with the skills needed for cybersecurity so that they can take care of it. That being said, cybersecurity is not cheap but it is worth the investment because it can guarantee a stable and steady network with out intrusions. Many organizations are also hiring penetration testers to test and try to break into their own networks and find any hidden vulnerabilities that can be hard to find. As technology and the world of connected devices grows companies and organizations must be protected and ready whenever an attack occurs.
Different Types of Cyberattacks
Cyberattacks come in many different ways and hackers continue to evolve and make more complicated attacks against networks. The most popular form of cyber attack is a phishing attack which usually carried out through e-mail and hackers disguise these emails to be legit and from within the organization; however, those emails are actually malicious and clicking on them can grant a hacker access into a network. Another form of cyber attack can be directed to employees as a social engineering attack, but this attack is usually done to medium or large businesses with many employees, because the hacker will pretend to be an employee and try to get access from an employee. Cyber attacks are becoming more common than ever before, and in 2018 a cyber attack was attempted every 39 seconds across the world.
How Can I Protect Myself and my Organization?
Small businesses can be protected by using many different methods including developing a dedicated cybersecurity team, hiring a third party service, or training existing employees on cybersecurity methods. In 2019 there are many different cybersecurity consulting companies but finding the one that fits your exact business needs can be tough. At SecureNinja we offer penetration testing and CISO support for small to medium sized businesses so that they can be protected. By offering these services we discover threats and vulnerabilities that a hacker could potentially expose, and we find methods and develop solutions to fix those vulnerabilities so that those threats and vulnerabilities don’t get exposed by a hacker. Cybersecurity is something that is detrimentally important and should not be taken lightly by any individual or organization in 2019.
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SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization fill out the form to the right of this post or visit secureninja.com/contact.