Hackers continue to find new ways into networks and are constantly trying to steal private information from large organizations. Data breaches are becoming more common than ever before and hackers are targeting weak and vulnerable targets such as small businesses. Large organizations and businesses are spending billions of dollars in high-end cybersecurity equipment; however, the equipment may be useless without properly trained employees. More than 90% of cyber attacks that are successful can be traced back to some form of human error or employee negligence. The average cost of a cyber attack is now $1.7 million dollars and the only way to truly protect your organization or business is through proper cybersecurity awareness training.
The Biggest Threats Come from Inside
Sometimes the biggest threat to a business can come from within the organization, and there are many ways in which your employees may harm your business unintendedly. One of the most popular cyber-attacks is a phishing attack, and a phishing attack is when an attacker will send a malicious file disguised as something else. Phishing attacks usually occur over email, but they can be a detrimental threat to any business. Having a good cybersecurity training program will ensure employees do not fall victim to a phishing attack and training is a much cheaper option compared to cybersecurity equipment. Any employee with access to a work-related computer or mobile device should undergo cybersecurity awareness training. Data is everywhere, and hackers know that mobile devices have data on them that can be used to access private corporate networks. By bringing cybersecurity awareness training to all employees the chances of a data breach are greatly decreased and minimizes damage to the organization and reduces the cost of recovery.
How Can I Train my Employees?
The best training comes with a certification of achievement after it is completed so that both the organization and individual know that they are prepared to work in a cybersecurity environment. There are many different training options but the best way to properly train employees in cybersecurity measures is by hiring an expert to work directly with your organization. There are many organizations such as SecureNinja who will send out a professional to an organization or business and properly train all employees on cybersecurity procedures. This Training can be very cost effective over time and the knowledge obtained from the training can outlive the expensive technology or equipment which will soon be out of the date. Having a good cybersecurity team can save businesses several of millions of dollars, and as technology continues to evolve, having a certified team of cybersecurity professionals will be very cost effective in the long run.
Ready to get started? Call 703-535-8600 and start training today to qualify for special promotions and get enrolled in less than 5 minutes!
SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization fill out the form to the right of this post or visit secureninja.com/contact.