Cybersecurity has been a pressing topic over the last decade, but recently it has become more important than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic poses the risk of increased cyberattacks and hackers are targeting people’s increased dependence on digital tools. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt global health, economic, political and social systems, there’s another unseen threat rising in the digital space: the risk of cyberattacks that prey on our increased reliance on digital tools and the uncertainty of the crisis. Here are some tips to prevent cyber-attacks from occurring towards your business/organization.
Stay safe while working remotely
Network and data are becoming more vulnerable as the coronavirus pandemic proceeds. Therefore, here are some tips in order to stay safe and secure during this difficult time.
Maintain good password hygiene.
Employees should use complex passwords and multifactor authentication where possible and change these passwords frequently.
Updating systems and software.
Individuals should install updates and patches in a timely manner, including on mobile devices and any other non-corporate devices they might use for work.
Secure your WIFI access point.
People should change their default settings and passwords in order to reduce the potential impact on their work of an attack via other connected devices.
Use a virtual private network (VPN)
VPNs can help create a trusted connection between employees and their organizations and ensure ongoing access to corporate tools. Corporate VPNs provide additional protection against phishing and malware attacks, the same way corporate firewalls do in the office.
Be wary of COVID-19 scams.
We’ve seen phishing e-mails, malicious domains, and fake apps out in the wild already. Threat actors love to exploit real-world tragedies, and COVID-19 is no different.
Don’t mix personal and work.
Employees should use their work devices to do work and their personal devices for personal matters. If you wouldn’t install or use a service while you’re at the office, don’t do it while at home on your work device.
Taking these relatively straightforward steps at both an enterprise and individual level should help address some of the most common security risks facing our home-working environments. We should also recognize that our threat environment is not static, which means it's important to keep a close eye on evolving threats to avoid unnecessary additional costs and disruptions in a time when we can least afford them.
Gain the knowledge you need to protect your business
Cybercrime is increasing dramatically as well as technology. Large organizations such as Facebook, Yahoo, Equifax and more had already had a data breach with over 1 billion accounts and data lost due to poor security. That is why individuals need to act now and take the opportunity of protecting their businesses with skills and techniques you can learn from taking advanced cybersecurity courses. Gaining certifications from these courses are beneficial for your job, as well as having access to boost more opportunities to protect your business. The most common cybersecurity courses are known to be Security +, CEH, CISSP, and Network +.
Sources: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/coronavirus-pandemic-cybersecurity/
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