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Secure Ninja Webinar
Thu, Nov 7, 2013 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Get Jiggy with SQLi Labs

Get Jiggy with SQLi Labs

SQL Injection Labs provides an on-line platform to master The Art of Exploiting SQL Injection. From SQLi 101 to mind bending 2nd order injection, file read/write access, remote code execution; we have got it all covered. Whether you are a student who is just starting a career in field of IT security or a professional who wants to become a Ninja, we have something for everyone! In this webinar, we are inviting the creator of the SQLi Lab Sumit Siddharth to give a sneak peak into the SQLi Labs demonstrating various features/challenges/solutions! 

More details about SQLi Lab can be found here: 

Sid will also be showing the solution of the CTF ( Capture the Flag) challenge which will occur on 25th to 27th October. If you haven't already registered for CTF: register here: http://ctf.notsosecure.com/ 

About the Presenter 

Sumit "sid" Siddharth is the founder of Notsosecure Ltd , a specialist IT security firm delivering high-end IT security consultancy and Training. Prior to Notsosecure, he worked as Head of Penetration Testing for a leading IT security company in UK. He has more than 8 years of experience in Penetration Testing. Sid has authored a number of whitepapers and tools. He has been a Speaker/Trainer at many security conferences including numerous Black Hat, DEF CON, OWASP Appsec, HITB etc. He also runs the popular IT security blog: http://www.notsosecure.com/blog. Sid is also a co-author of the book SQL Injection: Attacks and Defence (2nd edition). Over the years, Sid has identified several critical flaws in leading software and helped fix these bugs. These include products from Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, Wordpress etc. He has trained several security consultants/penetration testers and helped them get better at their jobs. Sid also holds both CREST certifications (Application and Infrastructure).

When : Thu, Nov 7, 2013 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST

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