Hackers continue to evolve and vitalize new technology to aid their malicious tactics and they prey on vulnerable targets such as small businesses. 43% of all cyber attacks target small to medium-sized businesses and a cyber-attack is detrimental to small businesses because the average cost of a cyber-attack is $1.7 million dollars. All business or organization owners must take measure to protect their businesses in cyberspace by implementing important cybersecurity methods such as auto-updating devices, anti-virus software, and properly training employees on cybersecurity tactics. There are also many other ways to protect your network, but in this article, I will go over three really simple cybersecurity tips.
1. Set All Devices to Update Automatically
All computers and internet devices should be updated as soon as a new update is available, and the reason behind this is because there may be vulnerability that was found in the old version, but the update will fix it. This is why all systems such as hardware, software, and network should be updated automatically to avoid threats.
2. Use Antivirus Software
In 2019 operating systems claim to be extremely secure and many people have pushed antivirus software to the side; however, antivirus software is an important extra line of defense you should not look over. Antivirus software can protect your system from malicious attacks such as ransomware, and it can protect you if happen to accidentally click on a malicious link.
3. Consistent Cybersecurity Training
Employees can sometimes be the biggest threat to any network or business. One of the most popular cyber-attacks is a phishing attack, and a phishing attack is when an attacker will send a malicious file disguised as something else. Phishing attacks usually occur over email, but they can be a detrimental threat to any business. Having good cybersecurity training will ensure employees do not fall victim to a phishing attack and training is a much cheaper option compared to cybersecurity equipment.
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SecureNinja is an award-winning training and certification school, and SecureNinja has a proven track record of assisting Fortune 100, Government, and Military organizations. For more information on how SecureNinja can benefit you or your organization fill out the form to the right of this post or visit secureninja.com/contact.